Series of talks about Euthanasia, ahead of the expected introduction of a draft Bill in the NSW Parliament to legalise euthanasia

Message from the Vicar General & Moderator of the Curia

Dear friends,

The Diocese of Parramatta is co-hosting a series of talks on euthanasia with the Diocese of Broken Bay, ahead of the expected introduction of a draft Bill in the NSW Parliament to legalise euthanasia in September.

 Due to the expected timing of the introduction of the bill, we have organised the talks for the beginning of August. We ask that you help us promote these talks and help raise awareness of the issue over the next few weeks.

 The free talks will be conducted via Zoom over three Monday nights starting 2 August at 7.30pm. There will be opportunities for questions following the talks.

 Vicar General of the Diocese of Broken Bay, Fr David Ranson, will give the first talk on the theology of suffering and death on Monday, 2 August. The following Monday, 9 August, speakers from the medical profession will explain palliative care, and common ‘myths’ around this type of care. On Monday, 16 August Monica Doumit, Director Public Affairs and Engagement from the Archdiocese of Sydney will discuss “How to speak about euthanasia with friends and family”.

 Information and registration can be found at RSVPs for the first lecture are due 29 July.

For information about the talks please contact Emma Baker via

We are keen that as many people in the Diocese become aware of these talks and the proposed Bill, so we thank you in advance for spreading this information through your networks.

 Yours in Christ,

Very Rev Peter G. Williams

Vicar General & Moderator of the Curia