Come and listen to the testimonies of two great people who changed their own life and are making a difference in the world!
Draz Brkljac is a serving member of the NSW Police Force and Simon Khoury operates a successful plumbing business. Draz and Simon work with young offenders and youth at risk to enhance their self-respect and reduce repeat offending. Both Draz and Simon are passionate about the community and the well being of the young people. Draz developed the Stand Tall program which Simon plays a pivotal role as an Ambassador / Employer and mentor for the youth.
The impact of the program empowers disadvantaged young people and provides them with the life skills to become good citizens. The program positively contributes to the family, legal and economic life of our society through the reduction of crime and employment opportunities for young people. Both Draz and Simon are Committee members of Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) at Blacktown.
For more info, please call the parish office on 4737 9735.
Date: Saturday, 08 December 2018
Time: Mass at 5.30pm, followed by talk.